Monday, December 20, 2010

It's 3 p.m. Monday. I took a 15 minute break from things and now I'm calling back to talk to someone in Florida. I started with Cara, the social worker at the hospital, but she didn't answer, so now I'm calling to speak to Cathy herself.

At this point I want to ensure she can get into the Hospice facility in Smithfield. If I can arrange that, I will fly down to Orlando tomorrow or the next day and get Cathy. This is going to cost me a small fortune, but I would hope that should I need similar help one day that someone in my family would do whatever was necessary for me.

BTW, I'm appalled by my mother's response to the suggestion that Cathy's family might have to pay out-of-pocket some for any of this. My mother, the rabid conservative, anti-health care reform, we-should-take-care-of-our-own person would rather her sister stay in Florida for what is, according to her doctor, her last Christmas than pitch in financially toward getting her up here to spend her remaining time near her family. She would also rather Cathy get placed in a nursing facility that wouldn't require any out-of-pocket investment than contribute a measly $500 toward getting her into hospice care that would ensure she has a comfortable, compassionate, pain-free existence.

I don't get it.

Cathy has answered. According to her, someone named Nichie at Terra Vista says that they, Terra Vista, has her social security check. Now I have to call Terra Vista again and see if this is true.

I am going to ask Cathy if she knows why the Health Care Guardian would have refused for the doctor to give Cathy mood stabilizing medications.

Cathy really needs mood stabilizing drugs. Really, really needs them. And some therapy. I can't believe that she has gone through all of this and hasn't gotten any therapy.

Calling Terra Vista now to speak with Nichie. (I'm sure that's not how you spell her name, but I hope that's close.)

Shit, I forgot to ask Cathy about the guardian thing!

Hospice in Johnston co. doesn't take "out of state" orders, but they will do what they can to help me. Sigh.

Calling Hospice in Florida. Ellen is going to call Hospice in Johnston co.

Called Carol (nurse manager) and she's going to help Cathy understand about her social security check (she's not going to get anything except the $35 she's owed as her monthly allowance--her actual SS check was sent back to SS and Cathy will need to call SS to get it worked out where to send it now).

I'm going to send Carol a POA form to get Cathy to sign and get notarized.

It's 4:30. I've been working on this all day and I'm exhausted.

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